Sunday, January 3, 2010

At least I update more often than Maddox

Why does no one ever make New Years resolutions anymore? Are people so lazy and vain enough to think they don't need to change or better themselves? Or is it because people try to avoid guilt when they give up on their resolution halfway through January or February? Determination and consistancy seem to be rare these days, or at least in the people I've been asking.

My New Year resolutions include being more forward-thinking and active about my dreams of working as an editor in a publishing company or as a part of the editorial staff for a fashion magazine. As such, I'm going to make an effort to buy less frivolous party clothes for frat parties and attempt to purchase more items that I will more likely be wearing after college. I have begun to finally "find" my style (many thanks to Anne for giving me Harper's "Book on Style" for Christmas! It really helped me!) so now it's that much easier to shop for myself.

I've also decided to try something new for my blog: since I'm constantly browsing Forever 21, I'm going to make a way to guarantee that I'll be updating once a month. Once or twice a month, I will collaborate things I particularly like on Forever 21 and make an outfit that costs $100 or less. This will not only show what my "style" is being defined, but also be a good source of procrastination and maybe help my friends find something they like as well.

So here's the first one -- hopefully of many:

I have created a "wish list" so you can find all of the items in one easy place.
Just go to, click "wish lists" and look up by email: and select BLOG January.

For the record, I would suggest the pearl earrings for day, diamonds for evening, and the cameo earrings if they're your style. This is an outfit I'd wear to class sophomore year or going out, like to the movies, a dinner, or a 21ST BIRTHDAY PARTY THE ELEVENTH!! I already have a strapless red dress and the same blazer, but as every fashionista knows, never wear a designer or store look head to toe. These things are just what I'd put on manikins. (sp?) Clearly my time in England influenced my fashion tastes; if I had layered on some necklaces, selected a sequined purse and picked out booties with studs, this would totally look Topshop. But I digress.

I know it's not exactly LA fashion as F21 is all about, but whatever. BTW does anyone else think the girl posing in that blazer looks stupid?

Happy New Years!

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